Teachers’ Day Drawing | Motivational Drawings for Students

Teachers’ Day Drawing is a great way to show appreciation and gratitude towards teachers who work hard to shape the future of their students. It is a perfect opportunity to show respect and admiration for the teachers who dedicate their time and effort to provide the best education to their students.

Motivational Drawings for Students are also a great way to inspire and motivate students to achieve their goals and dreams. These drawings can be used to decorate the classroom or even be given as gifts to the students.

When creating a Teachers’ Day Drawing or Motivational Drawing for Students, it’s important to choose a theme that reflects the message you want to convey. For example, a Teachers’ Day Drawing could depict a teacher holding a chalkboard with the words “Thank You” written on it, surrounded by symbols of education like books, pencils, and rulers. A Motivational Drawing for Students could show a student reaching for the stars with the words “Dream Big” written above it.

The drawing can be created using a variety of mediums, such as pencil, colored pencils, markers, or even digital art software. It’s important to focus on the details and colors that best convey the message you want to send. A well-executed Teachers’ Day Drawing or Motivational Drawing for Students can be a powerful tool to inspire and motivate students to reach their full potential.

Teachers’ Day Drawing Step By Step For Students Full Tutorial

Teachers' Day Drawing | Motivational Drawings for Students

Come on little friends, this time we start drawing. Here are some easy and simple processes to draw a beautiful Teachers’ Day Drawing picture.

Requirement Materials :

Here are the materials we need to draw teachers’ day drawing pictures.

  • White paper
  • Pencil
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser
  • Color Box
  • Tissue paper

Step 1 :

Draw the margin.

White Paper

First, with the help of a scale, give a margin around the page, excluding half an inch. After drawing the margins, apply masking tape on both sides and below the white page. Apply the masking tape very carefully so that it does not in a crooked way.

Step 2 :

From the middle of the white page to the bottom give the yellow color.


The white page will be yellow from the middle to the bottom. There will be more yellow in the middle of the page and less yellow at the bottom. You will use two types of oil pastels here. Use more yellow pastels at the top and fewer yellow pastels at the bottom.

Step 3 :

Give a little more brown color on the yellow color in the middle of the page.


Now you need brown color. Apply masking tape to the white part along the middle of the page. The reason for giving masking tape is that the color does not go on the upper part. Now add a little more brown color from the upper part. Here at the top in the middle of the white page.

Step 4 :

Draw two trees in the middle of the white page.


We will remove the masking tape. So far what we have drawn is soil. Now we will draw two trees on the ground, a big tree on the left and a small tree on the right. Here the small tree will compare the teacher and the big tree the student.

Step 5 :

Paint the leaves of the tree.

Teachers' Day Drawing | Motivational Drawings for Students

First, give yellow color to the leaves of the tree. There are no leaves here, you just have to draw and color the leaves with yellow. Then paint the green on the yellow in the shape of a leaf. Paint the side of the leaf yellow.

Step 6 :

Draw the roots of the tree.

Teachers' Day Drawing | Motivational Drawings for Students

As in the previous picture, paint the next tree yellow next to the green. Then draw the roots of the tree with the help of a black marker pen. The roots of small trees will be big and the roots of big trees will be small. Draw the roots of the tree as you wish. Here we will compare the teacher’s song by the roots of the tree.

Step 7 :

Write the summary of the picture.

Teachers' Day Drawing Step By Step - Motivational Drawings for Students

We will write on a big tree, “Nevermind I am more knowledgeable than my teacher”. We will write on the small tree, “A student has no idea of his teacher’s knowledge”.and also wrote, “Always respect your teacher”.

Look, our Techers’ Day drawing is fully completed. There are many more pictures like this on our website. And many more pictures will come later. So all of you bookmark this website in our browser and subscribe to our youtube channel Draw With Pappu.

You must draw the picture and send me your picture with the link given below. I will definitely try to give your picture in my story.

Watch How To Draw Teachers’ Day Drawing For Students Full Tutorial :

Read More: Oil Pastel Drawing

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