Learn How to Draw a Mushroom Step by Step

Today’s activity involves creating a Mushroom Drawing. The illustration includes a sizable mushroom encircled by petite blades of grass and a diminutive mushroom. Our tutorial is designed specifically to simplify the process of drawing for children. To execute this task, we require drawing paper, a pencil, and a color box. Let us commence with the Mushroom Drawing using these tools.

How To Draw The Mushroom Picture Step By Step

Here is some very easy and straightforward step to draw Mushroom pictures.

Mushroom Drawing Requirement Materials :

Here are the materials we need to make this Mushroom drawing.

  • White paper
  • Pencil
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Eraser
  • Color Box
  • Tissue paper

Mushroom Picture Drawing Step-by-Step Full Tutorial

Here are 9 Easy Steps to draw a Mushroom easily.

1. Make the Shape of the Upper Part of the Mushroom.

Mushroom Drawing for Kids 1
  • Creating the upper part of the mushroom will be effortless.
  • Form a triangular shape for the mushroom’s cap using curved lines.
  • Ensure the lines are curved to achieve a smooth outline.

2. Draw a Stalk.

Mushroom Drawing for Kids 2
  • Sketch the base of the mushroom shape using curved lines.
  • Draw the stalk beneath the mushroom using two curved lines.
  • Add some small grass blades at the base of the stalk to complete the drawing.
  • Make sure the lines are smoothly curved for a more polished look.

3. Add Edges.

Mushroom Drawing for Kids 3
  • Connect the left and right parts of the bottom of the mushroom to the stalk with curved lines.
  • Ensure the lines are smooth and even to achieve a balanced appearance.
  • Once the bottom of the mushroom is complete, take a moment to admire the beauty of the drawing.

4. Make Some Designs.

Mushroom Drawing for Kids 4
  • Proceed to create designs on the lower part of the mushroom.
  • Use curved lines to connect the bottom of the mushroom to the stalk and form the designs.
  • The designs are simple to create and perfect for kids to attempt.

5. Make Some Designs on the Upper Part of the Mushroom.

Mushroom Drawing for Kids 5
  • We’ll add designs to the top of the mushroom shape.
  • The designs will be made up of small, large, and semi-circular shapes.
  • We’ll use semicircles along the edges of the mushroom shape for the design.
  • We’ll also include small and large circles in the middle of the design.

6. Draw More Mushrooms and Some Grasses.

Mushroom Drawing for Kids 6
  • On the left side of the big mushroom’s base, we’ll draw a small mushroom.
  • We’ll draw the small mushroom in the same style as the big one.
  • Next, we’ll add some grass around the mushrooms to enhance their appearance.
  • The addition of small grasses will make the mushroom picture look more beautiful.

7. Color the Upper Part of the Mushroom Shape.

Mushroom Drawing for Kids 7
  • We’ll color the upper part of the mushroom shape in red.
  • Both the big and small mushrooms will be colored in red.
  • However, we’ll make sure not to color over the small, big, and semi-circular designs on the mushrooms.
  • Kids should be careful not to color over these designs while coloring the mushrooms in red.

8. Color the Grass.

Mushroom Drawing for Kids 8
  • The grass around the mushroom will be colored green, as that’s the natural color of grass.
  • Kids should take care to color the grass in green properly.
  • Giving the green color to the grass well will make the picture look more realistic and appealing.

9. Color the Stalk.

Mushroom Drawing for Kids 9
  • We’ll use blue color on the top of the mushroom stalk.
  • Both the small and large mushroom stalks will be colored with a very light blue color.
  • With that, our drawing and coloring will be complete.
  • We hope that little kids have found it easy to follow along and have completed the drawing and coloring activity with us.

Look our Mushroom drawing for kids is almost complete. There are many more drawing ideas like this on our website. And many more pictures will come later. So all of you bookmark this website in our browser and subscribe to our YouTube channel Draw With Pappu.

You must draw a picture of the Mushroom and send me your Mushroom drawing a picture with the help of the link given below. I will definitely try to give your picture in my story.

Mushroom Picture Coloring Page Download

Here is a printable coloring page of a Mushroom. You can download the Mushroom’s Coloring page and print it. Then you can easily color Mushroom pictures.

Mushroom Drawing Video Tutorial

Here is a video tutorial on Mushroom drawing. This video tutorial is very helpful for beginners. In this Mushroom drawing video tutorial, we explain every step of Mushroom drawing slowly. So follow our video tutorial and draw a Mushroom. Also not forgot to send your drawing😊.

Mushroom Drawing High Quality Picture Download

You can download Mushroom Drawing Picture easily by clicking the download button.

Also Read: Dog Sketch Drawing

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